SST / DCT470 Build Services
We have a wealth of knowledge on your SST 6-speed and receive a large number of them for repairs and upgrades. We have the experience, equipment, tools, parts access and the engineering mentality to assure a proper and complete rebuild of your SST with a full warranty! We have simple and convenient shipping options to get your SST trans to us. Over-seas? We love our customers outside of the US, please contact us for shipping options as we would like to service your SST as well.
We have the means to test the unit before it is shipped back to assure the problems are repaired, just in case, on those more difficult issues. We have everything here to assure quality and reliability for your SST. Do it once, do it right, and have us do it so you don't have to worry about it again!
Options below for your SST. Please note, we highly recommend the rebuild over anything else offered as the rebuild will take care of all the common of SST issues.
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